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Marceline Powell
Editor in Chief

Tess Andersen
Assistant Manager

Anita McKenzie
Art Director

Noah Patterson
Online Editor

Marceline Powell
3 min read
London Based Media Company says ‘New approach to crime and violence is required’
Studies consistently find higher levels of inequality to be correlated with higher rates of youth violence. A new and exciting...

Marceline Powell
2 min read
Content with Creation launches media training for young men who feel underrepresented in London
The issues surrounding youth violence are ongoing evidence shows a direct correlation between disadvantage, social deprivation & Crime

2 min read
Windrush Caribbean film festival returns
Lovers of Black films are invited to join in-person screenings across the capital and Birmingham from 25 June to 17 July, as well as...

Powell and Barns Media
1 min read
Data reveals Black girls are twice as likely to be excluded from school compared to white girls
The data released in the last quater of 2021 also uncovered that Gypsy Roma girls faced rates of permanent exclusion which were more than...

2 min read
Fundamental financial literacy for African Americans
In a world of rising costs, financial crises, injustices and inequalities financial disparity among minorities comes as no surprise...

2 min read
No black teachers! Report shows 'all white' teaching staff across Britain's State schools
A study conducted by NFER has revealed the unlikelihood of pupils being taught by a BAME teacher in state schools.

Marceline Powell
3 min read
Carrol May Nelson: Manchester Author brings African Caribbean diaspora into children's education
Research shows that when children see themselves represented in picture books it makes them feel valuable and part of society

Vishnu KD
2 min read
Black History Month: Samuel Edwards, Britain's first black newspaper editor
Born in 1858 in Dominica, Samuel Celestine Edwards was an editor, a scholar, a campaigner, and one of the people who brought the cause of...

Kate Moseley
1 min read
GCSE Media students will be learning about Marcus Rashford
The AQA exam board has just added Marcus Rashford's social media usage to the GCSE Media curriculum. The exam board felt the football...

Natasha Magubane
1 min read
Burundi reopens schools after Covid break
Schools re-opened in Burundi on Thursday after being closed due to the pandemic and summer season holidays, because the Burundian Health...

Kate Moseley
2 min read
Extremist views sweeping across classrooms in England
In a new study by University College London (UCL) it addresses how teachers are not receiving the correct training or resources to teach...

Vishnu KD
2 min read
Birmingham: Mother of 3 supports underprivileged children to get school supplies
Within the first 48 hours, we'd been asked for more than 60 bags, and now it's more than 80 It's astonishing how quickly it's blown up.

Kate Moseley
2 min read
GCSE inequalities: Children on free school meals unlikely to get top grades! Says Kier Starmer
many children haven't been given the opportunities to reach their potential those on free school meals were half as likely to get top grades

Shamimah Leara
2 min read
Lack of Diversity in Education -almost half of UK schools have no black or brown teachers!
Judge Ray Singh says there needs to be more encouragement to get more ethnic diversity within schools.

Marceline Powell
2 min read
Jay Blades confronts his struggle to read in Jay Blades: Learning To Read At 51
Recent findings suggest a quarter of all children in England leave primary school, like Blades, unable to read to the expected level.

Marceline Powell
1 min read
Virtual concert and scholarships for Rita Marley's Birthday weekend festivities
In honour of the 75th birthday of cultural icon Rita Marley, founder of her eponymous Rita Marley Foundation shared some news recently.

Urban Kapital
5 min read
Congratulating the successes of the Black ‘Class of 2020’ in the UK
Facing a 26% attainment gap, disproportionate representation in unemployment, and with many dealing with everyday racism, surviving until...

Urban Kapital
3 min read
Founding member of Matrix Chambers denounces lack of British BAME law academics in UK universities
Philippe Sands, a leading human rights lawyer and one of the UK’s top QCs, calls on British law universities to address ethnic minority...

Urban Kapital
6 min read
Sexual health education in schools: Black and minority children need to join the conversation
England consistently has some of the poorest sexual health outcomes in Europe – we are a nation riddled with STIs. New diagnoses...

Urban Kapital
2 min read
St Osmund’s Middle School ensured BAME issues and history are better represented within the CV
St Osmund’s Middle School in Dorchester is taking steps to ensure that BAME people, issues and history are better represented within the...

Urban Kapital
4 min read
British universities welcome more diverse undergraduates to more diverse talent pools for employers
This month, several hundred thousand young people across the U.K. will be heading to university for the first time, their sights set on...

Urban Kapital
4 min read
Black British writing: it’s all ups and downs
In many ways, the current state of the world seems unprecedented. The last few years – but especially 2020 – have brought shocks that no...

Urban Kapital
2 min read
The UK blamed by the Council of Europe to not promoting minority languages
A report by the Council of Europe, a civil and legal rights body, has accused the UK of failing to support minority languages in schools,...


Marceline Powell
2 min read
Inspirational black man: Alex Beresford
I personally admired Alex’s passion for changing the experiences and self-belief of young black boys and his stance on family values.

2 min read
Nigerian Baker and entrepreneur Onome Isikeh advises women on using their skills to create wealth
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Meriks Place, Onome Veno Isikeh, lives in Nigeria, and advises Nigerian women to learn a skill and...

Alia McDonald
2 min read
Alarming figures and hidden Black deaths in police custody revealed
According to the investigative charity Inquest, Black and Minoritised Ethnicities (BAME) die disproportionally from the result of force...

Alia McDonald
3 min read
#ukblackgirlaesthetic: Is it creating more division in our young black community?
Colourism has been an evident problem in the Black diaspora, especially in the fashion world and especially for dark skin Black women

Alia McDonald
3 min read
Enough is enough: Public support for NHS as ‘fear’ fuels continued strike action
January starts abruptly with more striking, but NHS get overwhelming support from the public. By Alia McDonald Strikes in the UK have...

Alia McDonald
3 min read
‘Spare’. What our readers say about the memoir that shook the start of 2023
In his new memoir, ‘Spare’ Prince Harry tells his story, raising mixed responses from the public. By Alia Mcdonald. As of now, Harry is...

Alia McDonald
5 min read
Will new attitudes in church result in a co-existence between religious and ethnic queer communities
Young people who identify as LBGQT and as black African or black Caribbean, are faced with outdated attitudes to their sexuality

Marceline Powell
2 min read
More than 7000 sign petition condemning Vile Clarkson’s misogynistic Meghan rant
This misogynistic attack on Meghan a mixed heritage woman should be condemned by anyone who believes in feminism and racial equality

Marceline Powell
5 min read
New report on youth exploitation shows the states failure to protect young people from gang violence
There are parts of our country where the state is completely failing in its duty to protect vulnerable children from the ongoing epidemic

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