UK podcast
In this Lock down special, Marceline talks to Metropolitan Police Detective Janet Hills about changes to police powers, what to do in a crisis such as an abusive situation at home, how to join the police force and more. This down to earth and honest discussion also looks into being a black police officer, the community and police relations and much more. Even the promotional breaks are great! #Urbankapital #UKPODCAST#powellandbarnsmedia Representing a diverse black Britain. London. Midlands. North
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Intelligent Conversations with Marceline
I talk to renowned Barrister and employment law specialist Ryan Clement about discrimination, unconscious bias, and lockdown laws
Next episode: Janet Hills, Senior Police Officer, first woman chair of the Metropolitan black police association and its longest serving chair to date.
DON'T MISS IT...Download the app ....subscribe to our YouTube channel...follow the socials #urbankapital #powellandbarnsmedia
London Midlands North
Intelligent Conversations with Marceline
I talk to renowned Barrister and employment law specialist Ryan Clement about discrimination, unconscious bias, and lockdown laws
Next episode: Janet Hills, Senior Police Officer, first woman chair of the Metropolitan black police association and its longest serving chair to date.
DON'T MISS IT...Download the app ....subscribe to pur YouTube channel...follow the socials #urbankapital #powellandbarnsmedia
London Midlands North