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2 metre distancing rule should be reviewed says senior Tories

Conservative MPs have urged Boris Johnson to review social distancing rules, which currently advises people to stay two metres apart, due to fears it would heavily impact hospitality sectors.

Greg Clark, chair of the Commons Science and Technology Committee, called on the Prime Minister to put forward a one and a half metres social distancing rule in light of new evidence from the government’s scientific advisers.

Mr Clark mentioned that documents recently published by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage), indicate infection risk “falls sharply by 1.5m” and urged a review of the rules before non-essential shops begin to reopen in two weeks time.

Theatres and entertainment venues could also be hit hard by the two-metre rule, which would restrict the number of visitors allowed inside.

In a letter to the Boris Johnson, Mr Clark said: "At the liaison committee hearing, you expressed your hope that the two-metre distance could be reduced, noting that Sage had updated its advice on other matters as the pandemic has developed and that you would ask Sage to consider again its advice in good time ahead of the planned return to business of shops on 15 June.

"I would therefore ask that you ensure that Sage urgently reviews the two-metre guidance and publishes its updated analysis."

David Davis, another former cabinet minister, tweeted: "Greg Clark’s right, the government must look at easing the social distancing rules to help businesses, including shops, get back on their feet in the coming weeks. The WHO recommends only a 1m rule."


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