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“Drunk-tweeting” episode sees Labour MP into the 'eye of the tiger'

A Labour MP has marked Brexiteers “sh*tbag racist w*****s” in an intensification of the row over whether Rule, Britannia! should be sung on the BBC.

In a late-night social media rant Neil Coyle, a British Labour politician who has been the Member of Parliament for Bermondsey and Old Southwark since 2015, claimed he had never known anyone but “sh*tlickers” to like the song, as he posted a video of Brexiteer Nigel Farage while he was singing it.

Coyle then kept on saying that those “fat old racists” would blame the EU if Brexit went wrong, directing his anger at Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, who had himself weighed in on the issue by stating that "Britons must never be enslaved by political correctness".

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These statements came right after Boris Johnson’s Tuesday call to put an end to the“cringing national embarrassment about our history” when the BBC established that an orchestral style of the nationalistic piece would be performed at the Last night of the Proms, which is formed by a series of systematic performances.

The BBC concert normally is composed of a live audience at its regular venue, the Royal Albert Hall, even if it will be filmed without the spectators this year due to the coronavirus measure restrictions.

Mr Coyle has then been called into Keir Starmer’s office, which cautioned him to take down the tweets immediately. Indeed, the tweets were removed the day after.

A Labour MP has launched a vile rant amid the row over Last Night of the Proms. Image credit PA/Express Newspapers

Adding to this, a Labour representative formerly declared that "enjoying patriotic songs" shouldn’t be an obstacle to addressing distresses and tensions that emerged in society about Britain's historical ties to slavery and colonialism.

Also, the former Brexit Party MEP Martin Daubney recommended that Mr Coyle should spend some time reflecting “about why the working classes have abandoned you", referring to the Labour party, after the “drunk-tweeting” episode.

The organisation has proposed that the song could be sung as normal at next year's proms, and the BBC general director Lord Hall supported the programme's producers decision, asserting: “I think they have come to the right conclusion”.


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