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Writer's pictureSofia Eugeniou

Even our drugs are becoming bio-friendly

A research team from the University of Texas at El Paso are helping to bring bio-friendly materials to drug design.

The researchers have found the first indication that carbon quantum dots (CQDs), a class of nanoparticles, can be utilised to combat neurological disorders.

Image credit: Verywell Health

These findings have come to light since being published in the journal Processes as part of its special issue on protein biosynthesis (the process in which cells build proteins) and drug design and delivery.

CQDs are bio-friendly materials produced from waste materials such as wood, fruit peel, algae and even fish such as salmon.

Scientists are excited to be involved in the transgression of CQDs from physics into chemistry, and now biology.

According to Prakash Narayan, supervisor of the research project: "This work lays the foundation for harnessing the enormous potential of carbon quantum dots for therapeutic intervention in neuro disease".

The transitioning of CQD applications from electrochemistry to biomedicine represents an important milestone in its 15-year history. The yet-unrealised potential in interventional biology, diagnostics and therapy is a cause for excitement.

These bio-friendly drugs could benefit greatly individuals suffering from Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, of which there is currently no cure for either neurological disorder.

In recent years the demand for green pharma has grown quite dramatically. More and more people would like to see environmentally friendly drugs become the new norm.

The move towards bio-friendly drugs would benefit both the health of humans and the environment.


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