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Marvin Tamale attacked by a gang in a vicious racist attack in Liverpool

Marvin Tamale, 24, feared he was going to die when he was beaten unconscious by a group of smartly dressed white men who hurled racist abuse at him during a day out in Liverpool

Marvin Tamale, 24, from Salford in Manchester. Image credit: MEN Media

A brave young man told how he was attacked by a gang in a vicious racist attack which left him thinking he was going to die.

Marvin Tamale, 24, said he is "scared to go out" after he was beaten unconscious by five white men who stamped on his face and hurled racist abuse at him.

In a heartbreaking Snapchat video, he described being attacked outside a city centre hotel during a day out in Liverpool at around 4 pm on August 30.

The black business promoter, from Salford, Manchester, said the smartly dressed men seemed like "nice lads" before they started to stamp on his face.

He told how the gang called him "monkey" and "n***" in the video he posted on Snapchat which has been shared hundreds of thousands of times.

The influencer, who has 12,500 followers on Instagram, said: "I ran off through Liverpool city centre and I kept thinking I am going to die.

"To be honest, I'm scared. It's never happened to me in Manchester before. I'm traumatised. I'm scared to go out."

Merseyside Police condemned the "nasty" attack and say they are treating the incident as a racially aggravated assault.

Fearing he might bump into his attackers in Liverpool, Marvin travelled to Manchester Royal Infirmary where he was treated for facial injuries.

He is due to undergo a scan of a broken bone to his face to establish the extent of the damage.

In his Snapchat video, he said: "They seemed like nice lads. They were dressed up to go out, but they started stamping on my face.

"They called me a monkey, they called me the N-word, they called me a n*****, but, anyway, all of them started kicking me in the face."

The brutish attackers stole Marvin's money, rucksack and phone before he got up and fled with bloodied wounds to his head.

Marvin, who is now back at home with his mother, added: "It was so painful. They kept kicking my face and then I passed out while they were kicking me and then I woke up and I was still being kicked.

Marvin was treated for facial injuries at Manchester Royal Infirmary. Image credit: MEN Media

"They started kicking my legs, just kicking my legs. I don't know what the plan was."

After being beaten on the steps of a Liverpool city centre hotel where he planned to stay the night, Marvin said nobody helped him as he struggled to the train station.

He was assisted by a man and woman on a train back to Manchester where he was treated in hospital for his broken face.

Marvin said: "My tongue, unfortunately, got ripped and a patch of my tongue skin is ripped off so I can't eat – just milkshakes and smoothies for weeks.

"My face is swollen now even worse, but I am really lucky that I didn't break any major bones or even have a brain bleed."

Detectives from Merseyside Police visited Marvin's home on Tuesday to make a statement and seized the clothes he was wearing on the night for DNA analysis.

Marvin recalled one of his attackers, who wore smart shorts and T-shirt, was wearing Alexander McQueen shoes.

Det Supt Dave McCaughrean said: “This was a nasty assault and we are determined to find the people responsible and bring them to justice.

"I know Liverpool city centre would have been busy with people out eating and drinking on the afternoon of Bank Holiday Sunday, August 30.

“I would appeal to anyone who was in the area around Concert Square or Bold Street at 4 pm who saw anyone or anything suspicious to contact us as they may be able to assist with our investigation.

“I would also ask the male and female who assisted the man in Lime Street station to get in touch as they may have information which could help with our enquiries.”

Source: Daily Mirror


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