We are back! with a revamp and a new sister website urbankapital.com
Hello readers and subscribers, it's been a while since we were bringing you daily and weekly news, articles and opinions on all things black British. And due to the lockdown we have missed bringing you great features and interviews in Urban Kapital Magazine.
But we have been very busy in the background. Our team has grown and we have some brilliant new journalists, we also have a new Podcast team and a digital marketing team.
Urban Kapital Magazine has also grown - during lockdown our digital publication reached its biggest audience ever and our readership went GLOBAL!
We decided that meant Urban Kapital Magazine deserves its own space and so you can now subscribe online and get content previews, send your stories, send pictures, shop with black owned businesses and more on pur sister website.
Oh! and did we say - the Urban Kapital website looks great!
Take a look here: urbankapital.com