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2 min read
Inspirational black man: Alex Beresford
I personally admired Alex’s passion for changing the experiences and self-belief of young black boys and his stance on family values.

2 min read
Nigerian Baker and entrepreneur Onome Isikeh advises women on using their skills to create wealth
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Meriks Place, Onome Veno Isikeh, lives in Nigeria, and advises Nigerian women to learn a skill and...

2 min read
Alarming figures and hidden Black deaths in police custody revealed
According to the investigative charity Inquest, Black and Minoritised Ethnicities (BAME) die disproportionally from the result of force...

3 min read
#ukblackgirlaesthetic: Is it creating more division in our young black community?
Colourism has been an evident problem in the Black diaspora, especially in the fashion world and especially for dark skin Black women

3 min read
Enough is enough: Public support for NHS as ‘fear’ fuels continued strike action
January starts abruptly with more striking, but NHS get overwhelming support from the public. By Alia McDonald Strikes in the UK have...

3 min read
‘Spare’. What our readers say about the memoir that shook the start of 2023
In his new memoir, ‘Spare’ Prince Harry tells his story, raising mixed responses from the public. By Alia Mcdonald. As of now, Harry is...

5 min read
Will new attitudes in church result in a co-existence between religious and ethnic queer communities
Young people who identify as LBGQT and as black African or black Caribbean, are faced with outdated attitudes to their sexuality

2 min read
More than 7000 sign petition condemning Vile Clarkson’s misogynistic Meghan rant
This misogynistic attack on Meghan a mixed heritage woman should be condemned by anyone who believes in feminism and racial equality

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