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Fenty has made Rihanna 'the wealthiest female musician in the world' Proving diversity pays
Rihanna's success with her beauty line comes down to consumers not previously having a cosmetic line that caters to them.
1 min read

Does Black and Minority Mental health approach need a different direction?
Older South Asian women are an at-risk group for suicide, black men are more likely to experience psychosis
2 min read

Brand Africa hopes to regenerate cash on the Continent after $38 billion lost to Covid
Since the pandemic, the United Nations predicted that African countries lost an estimated $38 billion pounds
2 min read

Lack of Diversity in Education -almost half of UK schools have no black or brown teachers!
Judge Ray Singh says there needs to be more encouragement to get more ethnic diversity within schools.
2 min read

Simone Biles decision - a major win for her and a message to women of colour?
The weight of the world is too much to carry for the young, 4ft 8 Simone Biles
2 min read

Throw your shade! We explore the Colonialism of Colourism & reclaim Women's beauty
Colourism is a big issue in today’s society, often drowned out by the term racism – Many people forget that internalised racism and...
1 min read

New Ipsos Mori report demonstrates public perceptions of racism in the UK
report highlights that Black people are treated worse than White people by a range of public and private institutions
2 min read

Current Affairs Special - International human trafficking: Exploring modern slavery
Natasha Magubane unpacks modern day slavery and explores the sensitive and complex issue of International Human Trafficking
4 min read

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