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Chelsea's Ivy Asia restaurant apologises after 'culturally insensitive' advert
The ad shows the two geishas wanting to get to The Ivy Asia many people have been condemning the video as it portrays a racial stereotype
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After Looting in South Africa: The Rainbow nation youth take matters into their own hands
South Africa is known as the Rainbow nation and seeing how different races were able to rebuild what was broken is truly admirable
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EXCLUSIVE Banker behind a report alleging HSBC racism resigns over lack of support
not a single white person in our firm of 226,000 seized the momentum we have created together to come forward and Speak Up
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BBC Blasted for paying June Sarpong £1,700 per day salary but forgiven for Gary Lineker
Meanwhile, Gary Linkers astronomical fee for appearances on sports shows, was defended by the public and argued to be valuable for the BBC.
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Fenty has made Rihanna 'the wealthiest female musician in the world' Proving diversity pays
Rihanna's success with her beauty line comes down to consumers not previously having a cosmetic line that caters to them.
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BAME Nottingham City Council staff earn less than their white colleagues
Nottingham City Council say they are determined to address the issues that have been recognised
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Bristol's 'Steppin Sistas' are going the extra mile to raise money for BAME Mental Health Charity
As Nilaari does a lot of important work for BAME communities in Bristol, the group felt it was important to give back
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PayPal & ADL partner to fight racism, hate and extremism across platforms & the industry
The latest effort by PayPal in combating racism, hate and extremism across its platforms and the industry.
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