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2 min read
Gender diversity: Legal hurdles faced by LGBT+ people in Africa
Same-sex relations are legal in only 22 of Africa's 54 countries and are punishable by death or lengthy prison terms in some nations,...

2 min read
Vote to remove statue of Lincoln and enslaved Black man in Boston
Boston officials have voted to remove “The Emancipation Group” statue depicting Abraham Lincoln and an enslaved Black man from a city...

2 min read
YANGA! TV: UK's home for quality African entertainment - now for streaming on people's phones
At this time where divisions and differences are finally being recognised, access to a channel that creates and provides content...

2 min read
Community organisations boost black organ donor numbers
Nearly 300 young black Britons have been successfully encouraged to become organ donors.

2 min read
Why we shouldn't mute public outrage
Outrage isn't a hurdle in the path to civil discourse, it's the route to long-term collective action.

2 min read
UK BAME and junior lawyers take a stance over jury trials
The groups 'unequivocally disagree' with any proposal to change the current jury system.

2 min read
Gabon: new votes to reverse the ban on homosexuality
Gabon’s Senate yesterday voted to decriminalise homosexuality, a huge landmark result that makes the country one of the few nations in...

3 min read
Met Police chief Cressida Dick insists the force is not racist despite protesters’ claims
Met Police chief Cressida Dick has insisted that London's force is not institutionally racist but said the phrase Black Lives Matter is a...

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