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2 min read
COVID-19: Plans to reopen English schools must address risks to BAME staff and pupils
The reopening of England's schools must address the disproportionate impact of the coronavirus on black and minority ethnic people.

3 min read
UK schools: Our education system is institutionally racist
The future of our schools requires immediate, national conversation.

2 min read
Role models vital for keeping black women students in STEM subjects
Representation matters for ensuring black women students enter and stay in STEM subjects.

2 min read
Indonesia: Dedicated teacher rethinks remote learning for offline pupils
When the coronavirus pandemic forced his school on Indonesia’s Java island to shut, teacher Henrikus Suroto knew he could not rely on...

2 min read
Racial disparities found in those gaining Bachelor degrees in the U.S.
While more and more members of the African-American community are gaining Bachelor's degrees, the growth is not fast enough.

2 min read
Windrush Day 2020: A day celebrating the Windrush Generation
Monday 22 June, marks the second-ever Windrush Day, a day which celebrates the Windrush Generation and their legacy.

1 min read
Malala Yousafzai graduates from Oxford University
Malala Yousafzai, has spoken of her "joy and gratitude" after completing her degree at Oxford.

1 min read
Children’s behaviour has got worse during lockdown, Oxford study finds
Primary school children are displaying more signs of emotional and mental health problems during lockdown, a new study has revealed.

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