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1 min read
Boris Johnson has reversed the decision to end free school meal vouchers next month
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has reversed the decision to end free school meal vouchers next month.

5 min read
By erasing Black history British schools fail everybody
Lavinya Stennett has spent her life in Britain, but she had to leave it to gain some perspective on how flawed its education system is....

1 min read
Pupils in England are unlikely to return for a month before summer
All primary school pupils are unlikely to return to school before the summer holidays as the Government had initially hoped, according to...

4 min read
South Africa: educational divide highlighted by two girls' lockdown learning
When Zinzi Lerefolo was sent home from her fee-paying girls’ school in a leafy Johannesburg suburb in March, her family set up a virtual...

2 min read
Ethiopia: mobile camel libraries keep children from forced labour
In a remote part of Ethiopia, one charity has come up with a novel way of protecting their children off school because of the COVID-19...

5 min read
'Ethnic diversity matters' in Irish classrooms
Teacher Emer O'Neill has not been able as yet to watch the video that shows George Floyd’s last moments alive. "It brings too much pain...

2 min read
Mental Health must be a priority in schools, says campaigners
Mental health must be the heart of the UK’s education system when schools reopen after the COVID-19 lockdown, argued children’s charity...

4 min read
Why Coronavirus is the worst thing that can happen to University students
Coronavirus has impacted us all in one way or another. From a global economic crisis, where businesses of all sizes are struggling to...

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