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3 min read
London Based Media Company says ‘New approach to crime and violence is required’
Studies consistently find higher levels of inequality to be correlated with higher rates of youth violence. A new and exciting...

2 min read
Restrictive policies are having devastating consequences for African Women refugees
Restrictive policies on healthcare, education, accommodation and employment are having devastating consequences for African Women...

5 min read
New report on youth exploitation shows the states failure to protect young people from gang violence
There are parts of our country where the state is completely failing in its duty to protect vulnerable children from the ongoing epidemic

1 min read
A celebration of Creative Africa to Mark The Royal African Society's 120th Anniversary.
The event on 2nd November will support the work the society does to promote African voices and creativity

1 min read
Celebrating Afro Hair at the Victoria & Albert Museum 15 October 2022
The V&A Museum will hold a day-long FREE event celebrating Afro hair, on 15 October. ‘Wash Day’ will include workshops, talks, films & more

5 min read
Songs to help you celebrate Black Music Month
June is the month in which America celebrates Black Music Month, and has done so since 1979 when President Jimmy Carter issued a decree...

1 min read
BBC highlights the lived experiences of South Asian Brits over 5 decades.
The hit series Back in Time returns to BBC 2. This series follows the Sharma family from Solihull, Birmingham and highlights the experience

1 min read
British Museum welcomes gift by Nigerian artist, but refuses to return looted bronze
Nigerian artist, Osarobo Zeickner-Okoro gave the British Museum a bronze plaque, hoping the museum would exchange it for the looted...

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