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Amir Khan was escorted off an American Airlines flight which he believes was racially motivated
Amir Khan has came forward and claims that he was removed from an American Airlines flight due to racially motivated reasons. Khan was...
1 min read

New Ofcom report reveals that audiences are less tolerant of racist language
Ofcom has released a report regarding public attitudes towards offensive language on TV and radio. According to the report, it found that...
2 min read

Embracing the Afro in revolt against Venezuela's 'bad hair' stereotype
Two years ago, Victoria Mejias abandoned her slavish pursuit of sleek tresses -- a common obsession in Venezuela where hair and race...
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Ex-Cricket player Azeem Rafiq was a victim of racial abuse
Yorkshire County Cricket Club has apologised to Rafiq after experiencing bullying and harassment. The Yorkshire County Cricket club...
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A third of BAME staff working in mental health services in the NHS face racial abuse during work
In the annual NHS staff survey that was carried out by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, after analysing their data they found that in...
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Throw your shade! We explore the Colonialism of Colourism & reclaim Women's beauty
Colourism is a big issue in today’s society, often drowned out by the term racism – Many people forget that internalised racism and...
1 min read

New Ipsos Mori report demonstrates public perceptions of racism in the UK
report highlights that Black people are treated worse than White people by a range of public and private institutions
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Colourism and opinions: how do you feel about it?
Before I knew my history, I used to hate when other kids called me Black. The word told no story and had no language attached to it. At...
3 min read

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