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An interview with Birmingham’s Psychotherapist and Personal fitness trainer Talisa Mesquitta
By Alia Mcdonald. Research has proven that mental health is improved by physical activity, and I caught up with Smethwick based Talisa...
3 min read

High court allows appeal over UK's Rwanda migrant plan
The government says the plan will deter people smugglers, though it has been denounced by rights groups
2 min read

Will new attitudes in church result in a co-existence between religious and ethnic queer communities
Young people who identify as LBGQT and as black African or black Caribbean, are faced with outdated attitudes to their sexuality
5 min read

More than 7000 sign petition condemning Vile Clarkson’s misogynistic Meghan rant
This misogynistic attack on Meghan a mixed heritage woman should be condemned by anyone who believes in feminism and racial equality
2 min read

London Mayor Sadiq Khan finally calls for overhaul of Gang Matrix that discriminates black boys
The new Met Commissioner has now vowed to remove 65% of black people from the Metropolitan’s Police Gang Matrix but many remain trapped
2 min read

Podcast: How the UK is investing in African development
infrastructure and technology are key to enabling Africa to exploit its enormous entrepreneurial potential.
1 min read

A celebration of Creative Africa to Mark The Royal African Society's 120th Anniversary.
The event on 2nd November will support the work the society does to promote African voices and creativity
1 min read

Exploring 1970's Lover's Rock from Jamaica to a British sound
The Lovers Rock Forum and Exhibition examines the foundation years of Lovers Rock music charting its evolution from Jamaica to Britain
0 min read

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