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MEDIA REVIEW: Empowering BAME individuals in the mainstream- what are you watching?
The narratives paint a clear idea of how unjust rules and ideals can affect people in their everyday life
3 min read

NFAC – A growing black coalition against Police brutality?
NFAC the ‘Not F**king Around Coalition’ is an all-Black, Atlanta-based group that has grown in size out of frustration during a summer of...
4 min read

Lagos locked down after protesters fired on, president urges calm
President Muhammadu Buhari said he was committed to providing justice for victims of brutality
2 min read

#ENDSARS – The hashtag capturing a million voices for Nigeria
A report in June 2020 by Amnesty International documented at least 82 cases of torture, ill-treatment, and killings by the unit
4 min read

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